IKEA Klippan furniture was first sold in 1979 and has been popular among IKEA customers for over 40 years! Because of its sleek form and exceptional style, this sofa is easy to recognize in comparison to other IKEA furniture series.

If you like smooth, modern, simplistic look – you must be a fan of Klippan furniture as well. It‘s quite compact as it has 2 sizes (2-seat and 4-seat) so it can be easily adjusted to any room of your choice.


Please see 2-seat and 4-seat sofa and Klippan sofa cover measurements below:

  • 2-seat IKEA Klippan:

2-seat IKEA Klippan covers

  • 4-seat IKEA Klippan:

4-seat IKEA Klippan covers

You can still find 2-seat Klippan sofa in IKEA shops, however 4-eat sofa has been already discontinued. I've read a lot of comments regarding this style of furniture and most of them were positive. Majority of customers have had this sofa for more than 6 years, which means that they are quite durable and even after using it for such a long time, it remains in the same shape.

However, it can be quite tricky to cover the sofa with Klippan sofa cover as you would spend at least 30 minutes trying to remove the wrinkles by gliding over the material. Despite that, this furniture will be a great addition to your home!

If you have any questions regarding this or any other furniture, please don‘t hesitate to contact us any time.


21 noviembre 2019